UP Clinic News

跖骨骨折到回归运动 the Rehabilitation of My Foot Fracture at UP Clinic

跖骨骨折内固定术后6个月 我再次「扬帆起航」 患者第二,三,四跖骨骨折,跖跗关节脱位。开放复位内固定后开始康复治疗。初诊时无法负重,双侧腋拐代步,平均徒手肌力测试为3/5,跖趾关节无法屈伸,拉伸伴随强烈疼痛。 康复全过程 在以上视频看到,Jane(化名)在冲浪中右脚跖骨骨折,接受了内固定手术。术后为了更好地回归日常生活和运动,在评估后我们开始进行一系列的物理治疗。 Jane (pseudonym) fractured the second, third and fourth metatarsals (Lis Franc injury) of her right foot while windsurfing. She required surgery to stabilize the fractures, and rehabilitation began just a few days later.  At first, Jane was not able to weight bear and was only able to walk very short […]

NO SURGERY NEEDED! He Returned to Tour de France Shanghai In 2 MONTHS!

Juvenile Scoliosis Treatment This is an X-ray scan of the spine of our patient Tina, which was taken 6 months ago at UP clinic in Gubei, Shanghai, China.

7 years postpartum but still experiencing incontinence

7 years postpartum but still experiencing incontinence? This women’s health problem needs to be taken seriously!

Juvenile Scoliosis Treatment

Juvenile Scoliosis Treatment This is an X-ray scan of the spine of our patient Tina, which was taken 6 months ago at UP clinic in Gubei, Shanghai, China.
