机械牵引的原理是通过牵引颈椎和腰椎,缓解椎间盘周围的压力。接受机械牵引治疗后,患者的活动度会得到明显改善。 与传统电力牵引机不同的是,我们的机械牵引机由治疗师手动控制,以完全保证患者医疗安全。机械牵引广泛用于各种脊柱损伤,并且在治疗椎间盘突出症、神经根痛和或关节炎状况方面有极佳的疗效。
Mechanical traction is a technique of stretching or distracting the cervical and lumbar spine to create space between the joint so that pressure in the spine is alleviated and more movement is therefore allowed. Traction uses a harness system to create a pulling force on the spinal segments. Mechanical traction is much safer than electrical traction because the therapist can control the force. Traction is widely used for a variety of spinal injuries and is effective with bulging discs, disc herniation, radicular pain and/or arthritic conditions of the back or neck.