
矫形鞋垫能优化患者的足底应力,增加缓震效果,令患者能够以正常步态行走,消除足踝部疼痛的同时还可以保护身体其他关节。 在使用矫形鞋垫前,我们的专业物理治疗师将对您的足踝和下肢进行全面评估,包括对脊柱 骨盆、臀部、膝盖、足踝进行静态和动态生物力学评估。 治疗师还会将评估结果与您的日常生活和穿着要求相结合,以完成矫形鞋垫的个性化定制。 矫形鞋垫的适用人群包括:任何患有下肢疼痛,踝部、足部、膝盖、腰部疼痛的患者,足底筋膜炎患者,以及扁平足患者等。
Orthotics are designed to maintain “normal” foot position so that the foot can function properly and pain free. Orthotics improve shock absorption, which helps prevent injuries throughout the body and correct mal-alignment issues. At UP Physical Therapy you will be thoroughly assessed by one of our licensed physical therapists who have advanced training in bio-mechanical evaluation consisting of: a FootDisc screen, and a static and dynamic assessment of your spine, pelvis, hips, knees, ankles, and feet. Our therapists will correlate the findings of this assessment with the demands of your lifestyle and shoe wear to help decide if a custom orthotic is recommended. Orthotics helps anyone with lower extremity pain, ankle/foot/knee/low back pain, plantar fasciitis, and flat feet.