18 years of back pain gone for good!

Angela, who works as a teacher, came to visit UP Clinic after suffering from a lower back injury she believes may have started during childbirth and progressively deteriorated due to lack of treatment. Add in a full academic year of online teaching with minimal movement and needless to say, the pain did not go away.
She decided to come into the clinic in April of 2023 and says it was “the best decision [she] ever made. Read on to learn more about how Angela and her therapist Jacky worked together to resolve Angela’s lower back pain and help her return to a pain-free life!
Author | Lauren
What made you decide to get seen?
I decided to get seen after a work colleague, who was also getting treated for lower back pain, suggested I go to UP Clinic. They told me about their great experience and the expert services of the physiotherapists at UP Clinic and I felt I had nothing to lose – only to get better and be pain-free.
When you received your diagnosis, were you surprised?
I wasn’t suprised [given the symptoms]. The diagnosis was comprehensive and detailed.

Prior to coming in, how would you describe the type of pain you felt?
The pain was all lower back. I had difficulty getting out of bed if the pain level was high and if I dropped something on the floor, there were times when it was challenging to bend over to pick the thing I dropped back up. The back pain started to become chronic on an almost daily basis.
After you had your initial consultation, what were the next steps for your recovery plan?
First it was a diagnosis of the problem and then we created a goal of how to recover long term. Then I began a plan of exercise and regular physiotherapy sessions with my amazing PT Jacky. I come in once a week for regular sessions.
Feeling pain and working through it isn’t always easy. Did you find anything challenging or difficult during this process?
I found that overcoming the physical limitations and accepting that recovery would take time to be challenging.
What about any positive moments with your progress?
Each week my back continued to feel stronger. As long as I completed the regularly prescribed daily exercises the pain would continue to diminish with time.

That’s great to hear! How has your overall experience been?
Fantastic! My PT Jacky has changed my life. She formulated an achievable exercise plan designed to strengthen my back and my core area, as well as finally eliminate the back pain that has been bothering me for the last 18 years. From the moment I walked into the clinic, the overall experience has been first class. The staff at the front counter are kind and professional, as well as efficient. Their personalized service is highly commendable and appreciated. It is nice to know I am a person, and not just a client number.
Thank you so much for sharing! Is there any advice you would give to anyone thinking about coming in to get seen?
Do not suffer anymore! Reach out to UP Clinic and change your life. You only have this one; make it pain free!
Chronic low back pain is pain that occurs for longer than three months. Some episodes are more severe than others, but overall the patient is left feeling impaired. Chronic low back pain can impact the patients social engagements and work environment which in turn can lead to their health and wellbeing suffering.
Pain can be present in the lower area of the back (lumbar and sacroiliac regions) and may radiate in the lower extremities. Daily activites, such as cleaning, sports and other recreational occupations can become a big task for people with chronic low back pain. Fear-avoidance beliefs, such as catastrophizing pain, and/or depressesive thoughts can appear depending on the severity. Chronic low back pain is a common cause for disabilities worldwide.
Health care professionals can use a variety of treatments including massage, manipulation, acupuncture, medications and injections. For some people this is all they need to get better, but for others, they might continue to have pain. Angela’s case is no different. She had been receiving passive treatments regularly (three times per week) before she came to see UP for her chronic low back pain.
“It’s essential that the patient needs to be actively involved from the start of the treatment plan by gaining an understanding of their condition, as well as their pain,” says Jacky. During Angela’s first session, the duo discussed pain science, as well as Angela’s own individual experience with pain. Learning why you have pain, effective treatment strategies and how you can work to treat your pain involves active participation. By having the conversation and working together with your therapist, treatment will be more effective in the long term.
In recent years, more and more evidence is saying to opt for active exercise therapy (flexibility and strength training/motor control training) to combat chronic low back pain. Professors will educate that it is about finding ‘just the right amount of challenge” when therapists pick the exercises for their patients. For every exercise the therapists do, there is a goal (it could be functional/tissue healing/strength/balance etc), a specific frequency and time, and keeping the right intensity in mind in order to get the most benefits out of the time spent with the patient in the clinic, which is exactly what Jacky did with Angela. Every week, when Angela comes to UP Clinic, they work closely as a team through various exercises. By being focused and patient with the progress, including 40 minutes of work each day on her physical therapy exercises, Angela was able to combat her lower back pain in a healthy and efficient way.

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