Author Archives: admin

5 Reasons Why Staying Active Could Make This Your Best CNY

Happy Lunar New Year! As we move into the festive season, it’s easy to get caught up in the holiday activities; the enjoyment of socializing around food and spending quality time with loved ones. However, it can be hard to stick to your routines and lose habits that have been important to you. Trying to […]

A Pre-Season Screening with Nicolas Marini

Meet Italian professional racing cyclist, Nicolas Marini, who competed in the Summer Youth Olympics, UCI Junior Road Champs and recently rode for UCI Continental Tianyoude Hotel Cycling Team. An athlete, as well as a coach, Marini recognizes the importance of physiotherapy, not only for post-surgical treatment – he broke is clavicle in 2011 – but […]

Q&A: Recognizing a herniated disc the hard way

Author | Lauren Photographer | Tyrone Lower back pain is quite common – sometimes it comes from not utilizing other muscle groups correctly, overdoing it in our workouts or even just tweaking something on accident. Oftentimes it can go away after rest or stretching, but sometimes there is more underlying trauma that needs to be addressed. Sophie, […]

A Fitness Leader Builds Confidence After a Bad Break

You might have seen Allann before. By day he works as an IT Director, but by early mornings and late evenings you will find him in his favorite element: leading workouts for Growth Club Shanghai (GCS). Despite plum rain showers or the summer heat, you’ll find him nearly every day supporting others through these outdoor […]

MSK Ultrasound vs. MRI: What’s the difference?

When we are suffering from internal pain and injury, many times our initial thought is to go get an MRI to see what’s going on underneath the surface. And while MRIs are effective and incredibly valuable tools, they can also be expensive and make some feel uncomfortable. We speak with Dr. Sun to learn the […]

A Triathlete’s road to recovery

Pierre is a former Canadian National Team triathlete. For anyone who knows the sport, you will know how much commitment and dedication it takes to train for your competition – for amateur athletes alone. Imagine being on a national team where you are training 20 hours per week – and how much work you put […]

The bond you build with your physical therapist

Meet Lesli, a recent UP Clinic ‘graduating’ patient. Splitting her time between Beijing and Shanghai, she works as a Managing Partner of a US-based law firm, and had two surgeries less than one year apart. She shares with us her story(s) of how UP Clinic helped her recovery process, as well as the difficulties she […]

Return to Movement Post-Covid

For many of us, returning to exercise post-covid can be daunting. Our fitness level may not be where it was a few weeks ago; perhaps we feel weaker, our heart rate seems too high, and/or our breathing is more labored. Maybe we are in fact ready to return to exercise, but we don’t have the […]

meniscus injury part 3

Hi readers! This article will be the last one under the topic of meniscus injury, we will talk about meniscus injury and its subsequent rehabilitation training.

Things about meniscus injury (2)

Hi guys, last period we talked about some common issues about meniscus injury, and you may remember that we mentioned NBA stars who were suffering from knee injuries like Roy, Rose, and Wade, they all had ever hurt their meniscus, and it eventually affected their performance during games. To be more specific, players like Arenas, Westbrook, Duncan, and Shu-How Lin also have experienced meniscus injury. This makes us to sigh: If there were no injuries, many of these players would have a better career.
